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3.27  Beren, Turgon, Barathil, Barithil, Berithil, Baranor, Bergil, Duilas, Garathon, Ramloth, Thalion, Gwinhir, Asgil-Golamir, Inram the tall, Benrodir, Nosdiligand, Northiligand, Dirgon

§ Beren, son of Turgon >> Barathil >> Barithil (WR:282,287) >> Berithil son of Baranor (WR:288)
§ Bergil (WR:287)
§ Duilas, Garathon (WR:283) >> Targon (WR:288)
§ Ramloth son of Thalion >> Gwinhir son of Thalion (WR:284-285,293)
§ Asgil-Golamir (WR:287)
§ Inram the tall (WR:252)
§ Benrodir (WR:252)
§ Nosdiligand, Northiligand (WR:252,266)
§ Dirgon (WR:316-317)

These are names of men from Gondor. In The Lord of the Rings Berithil becomes ’Beregond son of Baranor’, his son is named Bergil from the beginning. Targon is his friend in the buttery. Ramloth or Gwinhir is a boy Pippin meets while walking through the city. Asgil-Golamir is later named Golasgil and is the lord of Anfalas coming to Minas Tirith with his soldiers. Dirgon is later named Hirgon (LotRV, ch.3), he is a messenger from Gondor to king Théoden.

For N. beren ’bold’ as a proper name see BER-.

For Turgon see TUR- and KAN-, at that time it seems to be a compound of tūr ’victory’ and caun ’valour’.

Barathil may contain N. bara ’fiery, also eager’ frequent in masculine names as Baragund, Barahir (BARAS-). The second element #thil is most probably from THIL-, variant of SIL- ’shine silver’. Alternatively -il could be the name suffix and #barath an abstract noun from BAR- ’uplift, save, rescue’ (orignial meaning ’raise’), MBAR- ’dwell, inhabit’ or maybe from BARATH-. A third alternative would be ómataima-extended #bara- from BAR- and #thil. Compare also Tol Varad ’the Defended Isle’ below (3.33).

Looking at the names Barithil/Berithil, Baranor and Bergil one can see a striking pattern. The second elements are apparently Ithil ’moon’ (THIL-, Silm.sil-), Anor ’sun’ (ANÁR-) and gil ’star’ (Rgeo:73). The first element may be #bar- < BAR- or MBAR- as mentioned, once #ber- with i-affection The meanings thus seem to be *’Moon-protector’, *’Sun-protector’, *’Star-protector’ or perhaps *’Moon-home’, *’Sun-home’, *’Star-home’. However, rather than being the literal meaning, this would probably elliptically refer to the parts of Gondor or its former kings, than to the actual astronomical bodies which do not really need protection. According to the outline in The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings the two founders of Gondor are Anárion reigning in Minas Anor ’Tower of the Sun’ in the land of Anórien *’land of the sun’; and Ithildur reigning in Minas Ithil ’Tower of the Moon’ in Ithilien ’land of the moon’ (RC:233). In between lies Osgiliath ’Fortress of the Stars’. Tolkien calls the name Anórien ’heraldic’ rather than climatic, and related to the heraldic names of Elendil’s sons (RC:509). Minas Tirith [Anor], Minas Morgol [Ithil] as well as Ithilien, Anarion (Anárion in WR:243-244) and Osgiliath already appear on the maps in TI:308-309. Compare also Orendil, Ithildor and the river Ithilduin above (2.46).

Duilas seems to contain dui- from DUI-, yielding words for ’river’ and lenited glas ’joy’ as in the name Borlas (GÁLAS-). Another possibility might be initial lenition of the root TUY- ’spring, sprout’ (cf. G. duil, duilir ’spring’ (GL:31)) and las ’leaf’, thus *’Spring-leaf’ (cf. Finduilas above (2.33)).

Garathon may be related to GARAT-, whence N. garth ’fortress’, although it is probably untinterpretable.

Targon is similar to Turgon, but is most probably formed with initial tar- from TĀ-, TAƷ- ’high, lofty, noble’.

Ramloth seems to mean *’wall-flower’ (which is also a known group of flower species), with N. rhamb, rham ’wall’ (RAMBĀ-), later S. ram (Silm.index) and N. lhoth ’flower’ (LOT(H)-), later S. loth ’flower’ (Silm.index), ’inflorescence, a head of small flowers’ (VT42:18).

For Thalion ’hero, dauntless man’ see STÁLAG-.

Gwinhir is probably *’young master’. Compare GWIN- ’new, fresh’, Q. winya, N. bîn ’new, fresh, young’ (VT45:16), later √WIN- ’young’ with S. gwein ’young’, gwîn ’youth’ (PE17:191, VT47:26), S. gwinig *’baby, little young one’ (VT48:6). Thus #gwin- ’young’ and N. hîr ’master’ (KHER-).

Asgil appears to contain gil ’star’. The first element might be ast ’dust’ (ÁS-AT-), hence *’stardust’. Another phonologically suitable root would be AS- ’warmth’ (VT43:18), but *’warm star’ does not seem to fit semantically.

Golamir might be related to ÑGOL- ’wise, wisdom, be wise’ and -mir might be N. mîr ’jewel, precious thing, treasure’ (MIR-), also occurring in names like Boromir, Faramir.

Inram, Benrodir and Nosdiligand all appear as chiefs of troops from various corners of Gondor marching into Minas Tirith, and all of their names seem uninterpretable. Benrodir might contain #rodir *’nobleman’ < rau-, ro- < √AR ’good, excellent, noble’ (PE17:147) + †dîr ’man’ surviving chiefly in proper names (DER-), but has an obscure initial element. The change of Nosdiligand to Northiligand leads to an extrapolation of #tiligand (differently mutated in the two names), similar to N. talagand ’harper’ (ÑGAN-, ÑGANAD-), while #nos-, #nor- may relate to NŌ- ’beget’ with N. noss ’clan, family, ’house”, nûr ’race’; but nothing more specific can be said.

Dirgon seems to consist out of N. dîr ’man’ and gond, gonn ’stone’ (GOND-, Silm.index). If so, this should probably signify *’man of Gondor’, compare also Bered Ondrath below (3.35). In his later name Hirgon the element dîr is exchanged with hîr ’master’ (KHER-). On the other hand we know the lenited suffix -gon ’valour’ (KAN-) appearing in personal names, thus Dirgon may also be interpreted as *’valiant man’ and Hirgon as *’valiant lord’.

Overall one has point out here once more that personal names of that kind do not need to have a coherent meaning, moreover they do not need to be fully Sindarin or Noldorin at all. See also the interpretations given in [2].

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