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2.33  Finduilas, Rhien, ?Galdrin (?Galdrien), Galadhrien

§ Finduilas >> Rhien >> Galdrin (perhaps miswritten for Galdrien) (TI:249,262)
§ Galadhrien = Galað-rhien ’tree-lady’, Galadrien (TI:249)

These are earlier names of Galadriel.
Finduilas occurs later in The Silmarillion as the daughter of Orodreth (she fell in love with Túrin and was captured during the sack of Nargothrond). According to the index her name contains fin- ’hair’; findui looks like an associated adjective; and -las may be either ’leaf’ (LAS1-) or ’joy’ (lenited glas as in Borlas (GALÁS-)). On the other hand we may be dealing with the lenited element #-tui- ’spring’ (TUY-), #tuilas ’spring leaf’, hence maybe *’hair like leaves in spring’?
The next form Rhien is most probably identical to rhiend ’queen, lit. ’crowned’ or crown-lady’ < rīʒende, given in a deleted note under RIG- (VT46:11).
Then, Galdrien seems to mean ’tree-queen’, from a syncopated #gald- (see GÁLAD-) with suffixed -rhien ’queen’.
The last form is quite self-explanatory with the historical form, now containing the full form galadh ’tree’ instead of #gald-.

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