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3.35  Bered Ondrath

§ Bered Ondrath (WR:340)

This isolated name does not occur later and describes the guard-towers upon the entrance of the causeway, i.e. the causeway from Rammas Echor to Gondor. See the description of Rammas Echor in LotRV, ch.1:
At its furthest point from the Great Gate of the City, north-eastward, the wall was four leagues distant, and there from a frowning bank it overlooked the long flats beside the river, and men had made it high and strong; for at that point, upon a walled causeway, the road came in from the fords and bridges of Osgiliath and passed through a guarded gate between embattled towers.
Bered must be the plural of N. barad ’tower, fortress’ (BARAT-), compare the commentary:
The ’correct’ plural of onod was enyd, or general plural onodrim; though ened might be a form used in Gondor (Let:168)
The same seems to happen in the case of barad, which is after the fashion of Gondor umlauted to bered rather then *beraid or *bereid. In the Noldorin of The Etymologies, however, such pluralization was common, see [6].
Ondrath is here probably lenited *Gondrath in genitival position, with gond, gonn ’stone’ (GOND-, Silm.index) + rath ’street (in a city)’ from rath- ’climb’ (RC:523, UT:255); thus *’stone-road, causeway’ or perhaps elliptically *’Gondor-road’.

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