Metta ilqan

Metta ilqan: hiswa londe,
Metta nainien ar naiken,
Metta tielin voronde,
Metta tielin ya raike.

Kirya ninqe, vanakanta,
Earessie alqandon,
Ando kírien palanta,
Tar i túre Angamandon.

Nai kenúvane i nóre,
Nóre mána kalion...
Tar i huine, tar i móre
Sire limpe Valion.

Undukiryalo ve lindi
Túlar ómali inyenna.
Lhussar san i falmarindi:
Na númenna, na númenna!

Ári helke, vorosúre,
Elenquante lómi ande,
Undu kirya neni núre,
Epe kirya neni lande.

Yé! Ter híse kenin lóna,
Falas laiqa a ferinya.
Túlan et ekkaira Róna,
Lasta, lasta menta-ninya!

Oiolosse amba orta,
Fána tára silmiéta.
Falmarindi kirya hortar,
Lhussala kiryanna quétar.

Lútar alkar Kalakilyan
Elenarwa nutópasse:
Yára kále mirmirilya
Oiolairea ardasse.

Metta ilqan: kalwa londe,
Metta quelien ar qualmen,
Metta tielin voronde,
Metta tielin ter nwalme.


The end of all: a grey haven,
An end to lament and pain,
An end to faithful ways,
An end to bent ways.

A white ship, beautifully shaped,
Like a swan in the Sea,
Long to sail into distance,
Beyond the power of Angband.

Maybe I shall see the land,
The land of blessed lights...
Beyond the shadows, beyond the darkness
Flows the wine of the Gods.

Like melodies from beneath the ship
Many voices come to me.
Thus whisper the foam-maidens:
Into the West, into the West!

Cold days, never-ending rain,
Long nights full of stars,
Deep waters under the ship,
Wide waters before the ship.

Lo! Through the fog I see an island,
A green shore full of beeches.
I come from the distant East,
Listen, listen now to my message!

Oiolosse is towering above,
White, high and shining like silver.
Foam-maidens are urging the ship,
Whispering they speak to it.

The rays of Kalakilya are floating
Under a dome full of stars:
Ancient and preciously glittering light
Of the evergreen realm.

The end of all: a bright haven,
An end to fading and death,
An end to faithful ways,
An end to ways through pain.


This is meant to be a poem in Qenya as it was in concept in the late 30s / early 40s, approximately the period of Fíriel's Song, the Atalante fragments in The Lost Road and Sauron Defeated.

The similative case -ndon and the allative variant -nta are not attested in the abovementioned sources, see PE14:46.


*undukiryalo 'from beneath the ship' < undu- 'down' (cf. unduláve 'down-licked', UNU-) + kirya 'ship' + short ablative -lo (for metrical reasons)
fána tára silmiéta 'white, high and shining silver' - a construction in analogy to aina mána meldielto 'holy, blessed and beloved' (LR:72)
*nutópasse '(being) under a dome' < nu 'under' (UNU-) as prefix + tópa 'roof' (TOP-) + locative -sse