- AT - Ancient Telerin
- CE - Common Eldarin
- Dor. - Doriathrin
- F - Finnish
- G. - Goldogrin
- Ilk. - Ilkorin
- Ir - Irish Gaelic
- It. - Italian
- Lat. - Latin
- N. - Noldorin
- NS - North Sindarin
- OE - Old English or Anglo-Saxon
- OHG - Old High German
- ON - Old Norse
- ON, ONo. - Old Noldorin
- PQ - Primitive Quendian
- Q. - Q(u)enya
- T. - Telerin
- W. - Welsh
- WS - West Sindarin
Central mythology
- LotR - The Lord of the Rings
- LotR App. - The Lord of the Rings Appendix
- Silm. - The Silmarillion
- UT - The Unfinished Tales
The History of Middle-earth
- LT1 - The Book of Lost Tales 1
- LT2 - The Book of Lost Tales 2
- LB - The Lays of Beleriand
- SM - The Shaping of Middle-earth
- LR - The Lost Road and Other Writings
- RS - The Return of the Shadow
- TI - The Treason of Isengard
- WR - The War of the Ring
- SD - Sauron Defeated
- MR - Morgoth's Ring
- WJ - The War of the Jewels
- PM - The Peoples of Middle-earth
Other books
- AI - J. R. R. Tolkien. Artist and Illustrator
- Let - The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
- MC - The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays
- RC - The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion
- Rgeo - The Road Goes Ever On: A Song Cycle
- TC - The Tolkien Companion
- PE - Parma Eldalamberon
- VT - Vinyar Tengwar
Parts of journals
- ENG - Early Noldorin Grammar (PE13:120-135)
- EQG - Early Qenya Grammar (PE14:35-86)
- Etym - The Etymologies (LR:341-400)
- GL - The Gnomish Lexicon (PE11)
- GLS - Gnomish Lexicon Slips (PE13:106-118)
- GV - Gnome Vowels (PE15:13)
- ND - Noldorin Dictionary (PE13:157-165)
- NW - Noldorin Word-lists (PE13:136-156)
- QL - The Qenya Lexicon (PE12)