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3.7  Mithond, Mithrond

§ Mithond (WR:77,80)
§ Mithrond (WR:80)

These names appear for later Mithlond, the ’Grey Havens’ and Mithrond was changed to Mithlond.
Mithond may be just a slip, as suggested by Christopher Tolkien. If not, it appears to mean *’grey stone’ with N. mith ’grey’ (MITH-) and lenited N. gonn ’a great stone or rock’ (GOND-). The application of this name to a haven is unclear, but it might refer to coastal cliffs.
Mithrond appears to contain N. rhond, rhonn ’cave’ (ROD-) as the second element. If this is not a slip either, it might be referring to caves in coastal mountains. But on the other hand, Ilk. rond means ’domed roof’ and later we find S. rond ’vaulted or arched roof, or a large hall or chamber so roofed’ (Silm.index). Thus, r(h)ond might somehow (pars pro toto?) denote here that the harbour shields the ships from outer storms.

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