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3.32  Calledin, Calembrith

§ Calledin (WR:301)
§ Calembrith (WR:307)

These are other two names for the green lawn below Amon Hen, later to be called Parth Galen (LotRII, ch.10), earlier Calembel (and other forms – see 2.62); Calembel also occurs beside Calledin.
Calledin seems to be formed with the element cal- from KAL- ’shine’, but here it is probably meant to have the same developed sense ’bright-coloured = green’ as N. calen. The second element looks like ledin ’fields’, the plural of l(h)ad ’plain, valley’, as supposedly in Palath-ledin ’Gladden Field[s]’ (TI:114) (see 2.8) – thus *’green plains/fields’.
Calembrith is apparently formed with calen ’green’ and brith ’gravel’ (BIRÍT-, Silm.index). This has perhaps either to be taken less literal as ’shore’, or maybe it refers to grass growing through pebbles? Else Tolkien may have intended a reinterpretation of brith.

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