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1.12  Bliscarn, Carnbeleg, Taragaer, Rhiscaron

§ Bliscarn >> Carnbeleg >> Taragaer ’red horn mountain’ (RS:433)
§ Rhascaron (RS:433)

These are names of the mountain ’Redhorn’.
The first name obviously contains #carn ’red’ once more, but the element #blis- can be hardly related to any attested stem (*BILIS-?) or word. The following form contains beleg ’great’ (BEL-), so perhaps #blis- is another derivation from the same root? Assuming something like primitive b’lessē one still cannot explain the vowel, for which lengthening is required: *blês > *blîs.
For the next form we can find a direct reference in The EtymologiesTarag(g)aer ’Ruddihorn’ < N. tarag ’horn, also used of steep mountain path’ (TARÁK-) + N. gaer ’red, copper-coloured, ruddy’ (GAY-).
Rhascaron transparently consists out of ?rhass ’horn especially on living animal, but also applied to mountains’ (RAS-,VT46:10), of uncertain reading in The Etymologies (S. rass ’horn’ in PE17:36) and caron ’red’, for which see above (1.11). This word is written on the margins of the page, where the other forms occur; along with ’Caradras = Ruddihorn’.

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